
Surprising Facts About Diamonds

Diamonds are the earth’s hardest natural substance. The only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond.

Diamonds form approximately 100 miles under the earth and are carried to the surface by volcanic activity.

Diamonds are found in every color of the rainbow. The rarest natural diamond colors are blue, green, orange, and red.

The word diamond comes from the Greek word “adamas”. It means invincible or indestructible.

Diamonds are nearly as old as the earth and take billions of years to form deep in the pit of the earth. Very few diamonds survive the trip from the depths of the earth to the crust where they can be mined. No two diamonds are the same and carry their own unique properties such as internal inclusions and color.

Many ancient cultures believed that diamonds gave the wearer strength and courage during battle, and some kings wore diamonds on their armor as they rode into battle.

Thanks to their extreme durability and hardness, diamonds are useful in a range of industrial applications, including cutting, drilling, polishing, etc. And, because a large portion of rough, mined diamonds are unsuitable for jewelry, approximately 80% of mined diamonds are put to work as industrial diamonds.

The world’s original source of diamonds in the 1400s was India. Diamonds from India were sold to European trade centers. In the 1700s India started to run out of diamonds, and Brazil became the world’s biggest source of the gems.

Since diamonds have been cut and fashioned for jewellery the race to find the best cut with the most sparkle has constantly evolved. The traditional round diamond of today has 57 facets. However, you can also buy Mastercut diamonds that feature a unique star cut with a remarkable 89 facets. This exceptional diamond cut produces 30% more sparkle than the round cut.

Diamonds are made of a single element—they are nearly 100% carbon. Under the extreme heat and pressure far below the earth’s surface, the carbon atoms bond in a unique way that results in diamonds’ beautiful and rare crystalline structure.

During the Middle Ages diamonds were thought to have healing properties able to cure ailments ranging from fatigue to mental illness.

Diamonds can lose up to 50% of its weight in the process of polishing and cutting.

Carat is the unit of measurement for the physical weight of diamonds. One carat equals 0.200 grams.

Diamond Head Crater is a beautiful holiday location in Hawaii, but despite its name, it does not actually contain any diamonds.

The largest diamond ever discovered was called the Cullinan diamond, and weighed in at an amazing 3106 carats, or 1.33 pounds. Discovered in 1905 in South Africa, the mine’s owner and the South African leaders gave the diamond to King Edward. The Cullinan was eventually cut into nine large diamonds and 100 smaller ones, and the three largest of these are on display in the Tower of London as part of the crown jewels.

Small diamond particles are embedded into saws to cut hard materials.

The diamond is the traditional birthstone of April and holds significant meaning for those born in that month, thought to provide the wearer with better relationships and an increase in inner strength.

In 1477, the Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave a gold ring to Mary Burgundy, with an M spelled out on it in diamonds. That is known to be the first ever diamond engagement ring.

The ancient Greeks and Romans supposed diamonds to be were tears from gods or splinters from falling stars. The Romans also believed that cupid’s arrows were sloped with diamonds, explaining the earliest relationship between diamond and romantic love.

Diamonds are the best known thermal conductor out of all natural substances, which means they transfer heat very easily.


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